Automatizza il tuo handoff - intro ai design token per sviluppatori
A practical live-demo session with Anas Araid and Mattia Filardi.
Come fare un handoff di successo sui design system?
A talk with Eugenia Valentini and Federica Vacca.
Learn how to apply composition principles in your work with React
A hands-on webinar with Benjamin Minarski and Federica Vacca.
Come progettare partendo dal valore
A talk by Giulio Michelon, in Italian.
Workshop on Design Systems
A workshop on design systems led by Mattia Marinangeli and Diego Robaldo.
From zero to ranking in three months
A talk with Federica Vacca.
How to handle responsiveness through multiple components
A hands-on webinar with Eugenia Valentini and Giulio Michelon
Create your first DS component with React
A live coding session with Federica Vacca and Fabrizio Rizzonelli.
UX Talk #36: Product Discovery
A talk with Sara Fazzini and Giulio Michelon.
How to start a design system
A talk with Chiara Marchesini and Giulio Michelon.
What's the value of a design system?
A live conversation between Giulio Michelon and Sara Fazzini.
Why is nobody using my design system?
A live conversation between Giulio Michelon and Maria Sole Biondi.
InVision chiude! Come migrare a Figma creando un design system
A live conversation between Luca D'Incà and Francesco Cardascia.
WIAD 2024 Milano
Giulio Michelon will present his talk "The trouble with advice".
Un handoff di successo con Figma
Una conversazione dal vivo fra Giulio Michelon e Mattia Marinangeli su come fare handoff di successo.
Giulio da Epoi
Giulio Michelon hosted by epoi will talk about his experience with digital product.
Design System: lo scenario italiano
Workshop on Design Systems
Mattia Marinangeli and Eugenia Valentini (in Italian)
Design system fantastici e come farli
Mattia Marinangeli and Eugenia Valentini (in Italian)
Perché il mio team è diventato lento?
Giulio Michelon (in Italian)
UX Talk #33 - Design Handoff
Federica Vacca and Eugenia Valentini (in Italian)
Stakeholder Management in UXR
Sara Fazzini and Maria Sole Biondi (in Italian)
Onboarding più magici con l'AI
Luca D'Incà, Belka and Roberto Oscurato,
Un onboarding più magico con l'AI
A webinar with Andrea Tangredi,'s Chief Product Officer and Luca D'Incà, Belka's General Manager (in Italian)
React Native Heroes
Federica Vacca and Anas Araid (in English)
Fai il salto a Figma!
Mattia Marinangeli and Eugenia Valentini (in Italian)
What is User Experience Research?
With Maria Sole Biondi (in English)
Final presentation session of the Masters in UI Design
With Massimiliano Bolognesi (in Italian)
Mi chiamano Gigi e sono una Product Designer
With Eugenia Valentini (in Italian)
Design System: cos'è, come si fa, e perchè
With Giulio Michelon and Mattia Marinangeli (in Italian)
5 years of DEVeloper EXperience in React Native
With Fabrizio Rizzonelli (in English)
Creare prodotti digitali che le persone amano
With Giulio Michelon (in Italian)
How to build products that people love at scale
With Giulio Michelon (in English)
Viaggio verso la Feedback Culture e come viverla anche da remoto
Eugenia Valentini (in Italian)
From React to React Native senza paura!
With Federica Vacca (in Italian)
Un'azienda a misura di Millennial
With Giulio Michelon (in Italian)
Come fare handoff senza farti odiare
With Claudio Postinghel (in Italian)
Cos’è la User Experience Research?
With Sara Fazzini (in Italian)
Late Night of the Masters in User Interaction
With Claudio Postinghel (in Italian)
Il mio percorso per diventare Product Designer
With Eugenia Valentini (in Italian)
Design e sviluppo di prodotti digitali in Belka
With Giulio Michelon (in Italian)
Small talk with Giulio Michelon
Wiith Giulio Michelon (in Italian)