Redesigned onboarding translates to growth for Redokun

May 2024

Belka’s Department of Skyrocketing Growth is happy to announce that professional translation platform Redokun has implemented a new and improved onboarding process designed to double user activation rates.

Used by thousands of marketers, product managers and designers all over the world, Redokun makes managing translations fast, simple and clear.

As a part of a long-term plan to grow the platform, adding tools and improving technical infrastructure, Redokun cofounders Stefano Bernardi and Paolo Agostinetto wanted to start by improving the onboarding flow for new users.

Belka first worked with the team in 2022, helping to migrate the app from jQuery to React, and adding some vital new features. (Take a look at the case study.)

“The last time we worked with Belka our expectations were blown away,” says Stefano Bernardi. “And with experience redesigning onboarding for Fatture in Cloud, Spiagge, and, Belka was the obvious choice for a partner to help us rethink our user journey.”

Found in translation

When Redokun first launched, optimizing the onboarding of new users was not the biggest priority. “As a privately held, bootstrapped SaaS firm, we were careful with resources,” says Stefano. But with a more mature product, it was time to focus on growth.

As easy as one, two, translate

”Redokun is designed to be user-friendly, but like any professional tool, it has advanced features that users need to discover and master.” says Maria Sole Biondi, product designer at Belka. “The old onboarding process required some time for users to experience that a-ha! moment before they truly grasped its full potential.”

Belka’s team identified the key steps in the user journey and condensed them into a user onboarding process — a kind of simplified product demo. “We got to transform a complex flow with many corner cases into something more straightforward that could explain the gist of what the tool can do.”

A magic helper, the design system

Although not a part of the original brief, Belka’s team suggested that Redokun adopt a design system to speed up the design and development process, and make future updates easier for Redokun to implement on their own.

Everything in one place

“Having a design system with predefined design components will really help Redokun launch faster,” says Anas Araid, front-end developer at Belka. Separating the front-end and back-end also created more space for the development team to grow. “They now have the infrastructure in place to experiment behind the scenes.”

Redokun estimates it will take about two months to evaluate the effectiveness of the new onboarding. “But we already know that we’ve improved the old front-end a lot, simplifying how users start translating and improving navigation,” says Paolo Agostinetto. “The platform has become more modern and uniform.”

When asked about the project, Luca d’Incà, Belka’s Managing Director, said, “Valde occupatus et maximus sum. Nunc non tempus nunc,” which we think means he’s happy with it.

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